2014 Footage Released Shows The LAPD Kicking And Hitting A Man As He Lays Face Down On The Street!
2014 video has been released that shows a Los Angeles police officer assaulting a man cops were trying to apprehend in the middle of a street in South L.A.Two officers were already holding Clinton Alford Jr. to the ground when officer Richard Garcia came in to kick the man in his head. The footage which was obtained by the LA Times shows how for another ten seconds Garcia is caught on camera kneeing the man in the back, before elbowing and punching him in the head. Clinton Alford Jr., then 22, was riding a bike along Avalon Boulevard near 55th Street in South L.A. when officers pulled up to him and ordered him to stop.Alford, who later claimed that the officers did not identify themselves as law enforcement, jumped off his bike and began running. Two officers ran after him and were able to tackle him to the ground.The newly obtained video shows that Officer Richard Garcia then pulled up to the scene in a squad car.He ran out of his vehicle and immediately delivered a kick at Alford's head. He then proceeded to punch, knee, and elbow him. For nearly two years, the video from the October 2014 arrest was kept under wraps by the LAPD.
The department refused to make the recording public even after prosecutors agreed to a controversial plea deal that would spare Garcia jail time.
Posted by Andrew

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